Using the command box
Working in the Command Box
Files specification and wild cards
More useful commands
Getting help / hints
Aborting running programs
Finishing up
Generally commands are typed into the command box using the keyboard and are executed once the enter key (<-enter) is pressedChange to drive letter and directory where image files are located
- Type in single drive letter followed by a colon and press enter
- To change the current directory type cd (space) \users-tmp\2005-10-28 (<-enter)
- In order to save typing
Working in the Command Box
- DIR - list directory contents.
- drive: - change drive letter. e.g. d: (<-enter)
- CD - change directory e.g. go to top directory (root) cd \ (Remember to be on the drive which contains the directory before doing cd )
- MD - make a new directory
- TYPE - list contents of text files. e.g. 2005-10-28.txt
- MORE - pause text display after each screen page. e.g. dir | more
- | - the vertical line know as a pipe re-directs screen output to another program. e.g. dir | more
Files specification and wild cards
- ? - matches any single character
- * - match any number of occurrences of any letter
More useful commands
- XCOPY - copy files
- REN - rename a file
- ERASE / DEL - erase files
- TREE - list directory tree
- HELP - command box help
- PATH - lists directories which are searched to find programs which are not built into Windows
Getting help / hints
- HELP - list commands available. Note that most commands can be safely ignored. A sub-list of more useful commands.
- HELP command name. e.g. HELP DIR
Aborting running programs
- ctrl+C (hold down the control key and press C)
- ctrl+Break (hold down the control key and press the Break key)
- Use task manager (crtl+shift+escape) and kill the cmd.exe process
Finishing up
- Type EXIT (<-enter) - command box will close
- Or click on the X at the top right corner of the window